Field of Glory II - Community Content (2025)

Community Content

The following community content is available for free download directly into the game. To download it, click on the "Download community scenarios" button in the top left corner of the Main Menu, Epic Battles or Campaigns screen.

Created by Paul 59

Epic Battles
- Battle of Heraclea 280 BC v4 (Pyrrhos vs Romans) (
- Battle of Thermopylae 279 BC (Galatians vs Greeks) ( ... e_(279_BC))
- The Elephant Victory 273 BC v3 (Seleucid king Antichos I vs Galatians)
- Battle of Panormus 251 BC (Carthaginians vs Romans) (
- Battle of Apollonia 220 BC v3 (Seleucid king Antiochos III vs Molon, rebel governor of Media) ( ... lonia.html)
- Battle of Castulo 211 BC v3 (Romans vs Carthaginians) ( ... per_Baetis)
- Battle of Panion 200 BC (Seleucids vs Ptolemaics) (SP both ways and MP versions) (
- Battle of Kynoskephalai 197 BC (Macedonians vs Romans) (SP both ways and MP versions) (

- Antiochos the Great Campaign (“short” version with 10 battles) (
- Antiochos the Great Campaign (long version with 15 battles) (
- Sulla Campaign (
- Rise and Fall of the Roman Army Campaign. This campaign follows the development of the Roman army from 476 BC to 492 AD. It includes many of the new units previously seen in Paul’s TT Mod, but also many brand new units for the later period. It is therefore rather a large download.

Many of these include modded units and unit textures.

NOTE: TT Mod has grown too large for the in-game download system and now has to be downloaded from an external link - see below.

Created by By Odenathus

Epic Battles
- Battle of Mantinea 362 BC. (Spartans & Athenians vs Thebans). (SP & MP versions). ( ... a_(362_BC))
- Battle of Telamon 225 BC. (Romans vs Gauls). (SP & MP versions). (
- Battle of Lake Trasimene 217 BC. (Hannibal vs Romans). (SP & MP versions). (
- Battle of Beth Zechariah 162 BC. (Seleucids vs Maccabees). (SP & MP versions). (
- Battle of Philippi 42 BC (Octavianus & Mark Anthony vs Brutus & Cassius) (SP & MP versions). This includes modded Roman field fortifications. (
- Battle of Alesia 52 BC (Caesar vs Vercingetorix) (SP & MP versions). This includes modded Roman field fortifications. (
- Battle of Teutoburger Wald 9 AD v2 (Romans vs Germans) (MP version only). ( ... urg_Forest)
- Battle of the Milvian Bridge 312 AD (Constantine vs Maxentius) (SP & MP versions) ( ... ian_Bridge)
- The Great Conspiracy 368 AD (Picts, Scots etc. vs Romans) (SP & MP versions) (
- Battle of Arelate 458 AD (Romans vs Visigoths) (SP & MP versions) (
- Battle of Mons Badonicus c.500 AD (Romano-Britons vs Anglo-Saxons) (SP & MP versions) (

Created by By Das123 (DasTactic)

- Dastacticles Euteubor Campaign (Graeco-Bactrians vs all of their neighbours. Semi-historical campaign).

(DasTactic is also doing a youtube series based on this campaign,check it out!)

Created by rico21

Epic Battles
Spartacus - Battle of the Silarius River 71BC 3rd Servile War ( (Playable as either side)

Brennus Campaign (

Created by roguedjack

Global Mod
Rise of AI v3.12 Global. Updated to be compatible with v1.6.6 (and 1.6.7) of the main game.

The latest version of the Rise of AI mod is Global. This means that once you have downloaded it, it can be set to work with any other part of the game. Use the button in the bottom-left corner of the main menu screen to activate it. Once active it will stay activated until you de-activate it, and will load up automatically each time you start the game.

It has been tested extensively by roguedjack and although we cannot make any guarantees, it should work with the SP versions of:
- Vanilla custom battles and campaigns.
- Silk Road custom battles and campaigns.
- TT Mod custom battles and campaigns.
- Most other user-created campaigns.

We advise that the mod should be disabled when playing vanilla or user-created Epic Battles. Some Epic Battles have scripted strategies for the AI or exotic deployments that will overrule, conflict with or confuse Rise Of AI.

We also advise disabling it for MP. It should be automatically ignored, but we have not tested this.

Created by vakarr

Darius the Great Campaign v2 (
Rise of the Odrysian Thracian Empire v3 (
Campaigns of Agesilaus II v4 (
Campaigns of Iphicrates v4 (
Campaigns of Alexander the Great (Historical) v2 (
Campaigns of Chandragupta Maurya v2 (
Campaigns of Lysimachos 360-281 BC v4 (
Campaigns of Scipio Africanus (
Campaigns of Gaius Marius (
Thrace, the Final Frontier (Roman conquest and pacification of Thrace) v3

Note that some of the text in these campaigns describes the events of the actual historical battles that took place, but the battles in the campaign represent battles that could have been fought if the armies had met a few days earlier or later on a different battlefield.

Custom Battles:
Mercenaries and Allies Mod v1 (SP) & v2 (MP)
- adds several Thracian lists: Triballi (two versions), Getic (three versions), Roman, Gallic, Hellenistic
- adds allied troops to lists that they can't otherwise access in a custom battle game
- slightly upgrades some mercenary troops or gives an upgraded mercenary type to some armies
- allows an alternative interpretation of very good light javelin horse as protected cavalry
- allows two alternative interpretations of Thracian light horse as either being superior or having swords = either way they would make you want to hire them as mercenaries
- allows Numidian light horse to be superior

So for instance, none of the current lists allow the Thracians to use mercenary hoplites but with this mod you can try them out in a skirmish battle (not a campaign, I have to update my campaigns to use the new units though)

Further reading, by vakarr himself: ... 8&qid=&sr= ... way&sr=8-1

Epic Battles
Pylos-Sphacteria 425 BC ( (SP only) v2

Created by jomni

Silk Road Campaigns v1.7 - Sandbox Campaigns module with added Far Eastern factions, army lists and units: Chinese, Nomad and Tribal.

Custom Battles
Silk Road Skirmishes v1.7 - Custom Battles module with added Far Eastern factions, army lists and units: Chinese, Nomad and Tribal.
Silk Road MP Skirmishes v1.7 - MP Skirmish module with added Far Eastern factions, army lists and units: Chinese, Nomad and Tribal.

These have now been updated to cover armies from 1000 BC to 600 AD, as well as all vanilla army lists from Rise of Persia to Age of Belisarius (if you own the DLCs).

*Also include Battle of Xuge epic battle scenario. (

The v1.7 update does not add new lists, but brings it in line with v1.5.12 of FOG2 by adjusting the points costs etc.

NOTE: The new versions are not compatible with MP games using the old versions. You need to finish those before deleting the old version. You can have both versions on your system at the same time without any problems. Obviously, new games should be started with v1.7


Zombie mod!
Field of Glory Z Custom Battles (v1.03)
Field of Glory Z MP Custom Battles (v1.03)


Created by jomni and wzfcns
Silk Road Extended SP Custom Battles v5.23
Silk Road Extended MP Custom Battles v5.23
Silk Road Extended Campaigns v5.23

With jomni's permission wzfcns is developing an extended version of Silk Road.

Created by edward77

Epic Battles
- Battle of Pelium 335 BC (
- Battle of Issus 333 BC (
- Battle of Gaugamela 331 BC (
- Battle of the Hydaspes 326 BC (

Created by stockwellpete

Epic Battles (All multiplayer only)
Odovacer/Theoderic series:
- Vienna 487 AD
- River Vuk 488 AD
- Isonzo 489 AD
- Verona 489 AD
- Adda 490 AD
Clovis I series:
- Soissons 486 AD v2 (
- Tolbiac 496 AD v2 (
- Vouillé 507 AD v3 (
Frankish-Burgundian Wars series
- Invasion of Burgundy 523 AD (
- Battle of Vezeronce 524 AD v2 (
- Battle of Autun 532 AD (
- The Unstrut 531 ( ... iver_(531))
- Narbonensis 531
Anglo-Saxon and Viking Wars series:
- Deorham 577 v2 (
- Catraeth 600 v2(
- Degastan 603 (
- Chester 616 (
- River Idle 616 ( ... ast_Anglia)
- Hatfield Chase 633 v2 (
- Heavenfield 634 (
- Maserfeld 641 v2 (
- Winwaed 655 v2 (
- The Trent 679 v3 (
- Nechtansmere 685 (
- Ellendun 825 (
- Hengestdun 838 (
- Ethandun 878 (
- Holme 902 (
- Tettenhall 910 (
- Islandbridge 919 (
- Brunanburh 937 v3 (
- Sulcoit 968 (
- Tara 980 (
- Maldon 991 v2 (
- Vinland 1003 (
- Assandun 1016 v2 (
- Stiklestad 1030 (
Arab-Frankish Wars:
- Tours 732 (
Norman Wars:
- Val-es-Dunes 1047 AD ( ... %A8s-Dunes)

Created by kilroy1

Epic Battles
- Battle of Marcellae 792 AD ( (SP only)
- Battle of Anzen 838 AD ( (MP only)

Created by desicat

Epic Battles
- Pyrrhus at Sparta (

- Pyrrhus the Eagle (Long Campaign) (
- Hamilcar Barca Campaign v2 (
- Hamilcar Barca Campaign (longer version) (

Created by wzfcns

Epic Battles
- Battle of Jie Qiao 191 AD (

This uses units from Silk Road mod by jomni

Created by Adebar

Epic Battles
- Battle of Callinicum 531 AD (SP both ways) (

Created by kronenblatt

Custom Battles:
- Dividing the Spoils v4. (SP & MP versions)
This army list mod allows you to fight battles of the early wars of the Diadochi, when each of the protagonists only controlled a single or a few satrapies. Each army list consists of a mixture of Macedonian and locally raised troops.
- The West Is No More v1. (SP & MP versions)
This army list mod is primarily for kronenblatt's "The West is No More" campaign set in the later 5th century AD, during the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire.
- An Empire in Flames v3. (SP & MP versions)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "An Empire in Flames" campaign set in the 3rd century AD, when frequent civil wars wracked the Roman Empire.
- Wars of Gods and Men v2 (SP & MP versions)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "Wars of Gods and Men" campaign set in the 7th century BC in the Middle East.
- Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum v4 (SP & MP versions)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum " campaign.
- Conquestu Britanniae v2. (SP & MP version)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "Conquestu Britanniae" campaign set in the 5th century AD in Britain.
- De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (ExCoB) II (SP & MP version)
This is another army list mod for kronenblatt's "Conquestu Britanniae" campaign set in the 5th century AD in Britain, this time with army lists and some standards customised by the intended players.
- Clash of Civilisations v1 (SP & MP version)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "Clash of Civilisations" campaign, set in the cradle of civilisation.
- Year of the Four Emperors v1 (SP & MP)
This army list mod is for kronenblatt's "Year of the Four Emperors" campaign, set in 69 AD.

Created by Schweetness101

Custom Battles:
- Dark Ages Britain v1.7. (SP & MP versions)
This is a gameplay and army lists mod which aims to better represent Dark Age warfare.

Created by CharlesdeBatz

Epic Battles
Pharsalus 48 BC ( SP only, from Pompeian side.


The following user content has grown too large for the in-game download system, and needs to be downloaded from an external link.

Created by Paul 59

- TT Mod Campaigns

Custom Battles
- TT Mod Custom Battles
- TT Mod MP Custom Battles

This is a major mod including many new army lists, units and unit textures.

CREDIT: A special credit is due to 'Little Big Men Studios' for most of the new shield designs in these mods. Stephen Hales (of Little Big Men Studios) has given Paul Adaway permission to use these for these user mods only and no company may take these designs for use without his permission or for sale in any way.

Instructions for downloading the v1.5.32 version of TT Mod can be found here:

Field of Glory II - Community Content (2025)
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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated:

Views: 6379

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.