#flowey undertale | mythicaldemigoddess-of-deltarune (2025)

[Note: Reading This Theory is Optional. also, please don’t reblog this without my permission.]

okay, if anyone had notice but didn’t notice at first, and I don’t think I had at first.....

but when Kris is well, moving without the Player’s control in both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, and even when they are in the bathroom, suppose to be washing their hands, but instead pulls out the red soul.

the top of their hair, that normally has those two pieces of hair stick up...

isn’t there when they have the red soul out of them.

it might be possible that the Red Soul, while being the Player’s proxy soul...

it might also belong to the Original Fallen Human from the Undertale World.

travel between the two different worlds and realities, could still be possible.

the intro and the flashbacks that show a human that we assume is Chara, might actually be Undertale’s worlds own Kris.

Chara, might actually be the human that had the patience soul.

the human that has the patience soul, had a ribbon and a toy knife.

but it could be possible, that Chara might of been a creation much like Flowey.

it could turn out that Flowey isn’t just some flower with the dust memories of the original Asriel, and it might turn out that if we go down the Geno Route and if Flowey is taken out, it could end up causing the flower to transform into Chara.

or not, then again maybe that isn’t the case.

but it could be possible that Kris, from Undertale, was a sibling of both Asriel and Chara, but something happen to them that caused them to be forgotten.

which might have to do with Frisk, who came from the Hard Mode Timeline.

and for all we know, it could be possible that the red soul that is seen during Undertale, when we either go all Geno, Neutral or Pacifist Run....

it doesn’t truly belong to the Player or even Frisk, and it turns out that red soul belongs to Kris, while the red soul that is used in the generator to power the underground, and is in the true lab....that red soul, belongs to Chara.

and when we do head to the true lab, we don’t just go to the one we are suppose to go when we want to get the true pacifist ending, we first end up going to the other timeline we leave behind, when Undertale Kris’s soul is transmigrated from one version of Frisk’s body to another.

in the true lab, that we end up in, where it is in the Queen Toriel Timeline...

we find what appears to be a room with a large mirror with what seems to be Frisk’s reflection, but might turn out to be the Vessel of the Frisk we left behind when we reload and choose not to face the king yet and go back and end up finally getting a call from Undyne about Alphys.

it’s not until we go into the elevator in the true lab, and go through it to the other hallway, that we go back to the true pacifist timeline, otherwise known as the anomaly timeline, well that is my fan headcanon for it.

anyway I believe what we see in the true lab, when we end up in the Queen Toriel Timeline again....has the Frisk we leave behind, locked up, and that version of Frisk doesn’t really leave the underground in the Queen Toriel Timeline, and before they can leave, Alphys ends up stopping them and takes them to the true lab, all this happens when we the player, as well as UT-Kris’s red soul, ends up going back by reloading to where we were before we face King Asgore.

and it is possible that no matter if we give Chara UT-Kris’s soul or not, they will always end up being transmigrated to the Deltarune, no matter the outcome in Undertale.

it might be possible that the one who pulls UT-Kris out of Kris’s body, is the Kris from that world, and before the Player comes around, Kris (the good half that was originally from Undertale) had possibly lived in Deltarune for a few years before the Player comes around, and possibly causing the original Kris of Deltarune to wake up....but maybe before the Player comes around, and before the events of Chapter 1, the Original Kris has already awaken, and the good half of Kris that came from Undertale, was powerless to stop it.

and the white dust looking creatures from the dark world, might of been monsters that the Bad-Kris, had took there before...

but hopefully that theory is incorrect.

while the red soul, can still be the Player’s Proxy-Soul, it could still end up being the soul of the Kris from another world, before being placed in the Kris from Deltarune.

it can also turn out that Asriel had two adoptive human siblings, one of them being Chara and the Other being Kris.

but the Kris from Undertale, was forgotten, but it might be possible that only Asgore can remember them, or maybe he only remembers Chara.

Kris from Undertale being forgotten, could have to do with Alternation to the timeline of that world, and giving everyone there a false memories mixed with the real memories...

like it turning out Asgore never really killed any of the humans, because in the true pacifist ending, if we go back down to the basement, we will see that all the coffins (but the one with the red heart on it...) are all fully open.

this could mean that the human children, are brought back to life.

and maybe, they could of became Noelle, Catti, Berdly, Jockington and Susie.

there was the need of seven human souls to free all the monsters....

and if we don’t count Snowy, Monster Kid or even Temmie that is seen in Alphys’s class in Deltarune or the ones that appear in Undertale...

it could be possible that Noelle, Catti, Berdly, Jockington and Susie, we all originally human and were adopted by monster families.

and having Berdly, Susie, Noelle, Catti, Jockington and Kris put all together...

that well, that makes six, but for all we know, it could be possible the seventh human child to be “reborn” as a monster, could be Papyrus.

so the little brother of Sans from Deltarune, could of originally been human.

it be interesting if Sans’s little brother from Deltarune, ends up being a new kid in Alphys’s class, and well they don’t really have that many desks.

so maybe they will have to add three extra desks.

Noelle, Catti, Berdly and Jockington from Deltarune, might of been adopted by their monster families, but were originally humans but had become monsters a bit early, but have no memories of their human families.

Kris, the one from Undertale, could of been given a new start in life when they are placed into the body of Kris that was originally from Deltarune.

but in the light world, during the night, the original Kris would take back full control and rip UT-Kris’s soul out and place them either under the sink or in a cage.

Kris is still a good person, and the Player can have the choice to let them still be them without making them go all Geno Route.

it could be possible that the Kris, the one who was originally born in Deltarune, is different from the Kris from Undertale, and the rooms we can’t go in, in both Toriel and Asgore’s homes in Undertale, might of been rooms that belong to their youngest adoptive child, who they had named Kris...

in those rooms, might have a crib and baby toys, and pictures of Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Chara and Baby Kris.

also it might be possible that the statue that is used as a memory of Asriel, might be more than just a statue and could be Prince Asriel’s body.

like even if the monsters do turn to dust when they die, it might be more than just that.

like while their physical body turns to dust, and their soul is suppose to disappear....but what if it turns out Chara’s soul might of kept the rest of Asriel’s original body from turning to dust with the other part of him...

or maybe, only half of his dust ended up falling and becoming Flowey, while Chara’s consciousness had split into two, one staying in their original soul that would be taken to the true lab, and the other becoming Flowey.

so that would mean that Flowey is both Chara and Asriel, or at least half of their original selves.

if this theory were true, then it could mean that the Chara part of Flowey might have amnesia, but once Flowey realizes that they are Chara, well half of Chara.

the memories of Chara’s human life will come back to them, and Flowey will finally understand why Chara hated humanity so much.

while Asriel in Deltarune is possibly still alive, but if the statue that was the fallen prince’s body from Undertale, were to end up in the dark world....

that would bring Prince Asriel back to life, but sadly if he leaves for the light world, he would be back to being a statue.

it could be possible that Flowey has always been Chara, their red soul might of ended up in that flower that would become Flowey, and when some of Asriel’s dust fell before becoming a statue, it ended up causing Chara’s soul to form a type of Imposter Syndrome, as well as Amnesia.

some of the dust that became a part of Flowey, is still Asriel, but it doesn’t have his soul, so it isn’t fully him, and only a few of his dust ended up on that flower that would have Chara’s soul that will become Flowey.

the red soul that is used to power the true lab, might turn out to be a artificial soul that was made by Doctor Gaster, by using magic cloning technology. it could turn out that the red soul that is placed in Kris, might turn out to be another artificial soul clone of the original Chara.

Flowey has the original Chara’s soul, because their soul was the first one to be placed in the flower that would become Flowey, and when the flower was injected with determination, it caused Chara to get amnesia of their original self and with their siblings memories becoming a part of them, they formed a imposter syndrome.

even when they transformed into a copy of their brother, which might be thanks to the monster souls of their parents and the dust that had the original prince’s memories...

while in some timelines Flowey isn’t Chara and doesn’t have their soul...

but it could be possible in the true main timeline of the game, in all routes.

Flowey is Chara, but they have amnesia thanks to the experiments that were performed in the true lab.

because they end up remembering through the eyes of their sibling, Flowey started to believe they were Asriel, but they only have some of his dust that were absorbed into the flower, and when Chara’s soul and determination ended up in the flower that had Asriel’s memories...

it caused the True Original Chara to forget who they were and form a imposter syndrome where they believed they were originally Asriel.

it could be possible that Flowey’s true memories could come back to them while in the underground, as well as memories about how it was the cinnamon that they deadly allergic to had been the cause of their death, as Asriel was getting the flowers, but Chara never got to use them in the plan.

the other part of the title for this theory, was slightly different before.

but then the idea of the plot twist that Flowey is the Original Chara came to mind....

anyway besides the theory that Flowey is Chara who thinks they are Asriel and got amnesia and imposter syndrome thanks to those who were working in the true lab...

it might be possible that Kris, without the Player’s red soul in them.

might hold some dark secrets about them that might be revealed in the future.

the true Kris in the game, is the one who doesn’t have the two hairs on their head stick up, is the True-Kris. and if the red soul is a artificial soul clone of Original Chara’s soul, then they could be from Frisk who was the original vessel before True-Kris, and the red soul did end up being taken to the other world....that would mean Frisk will have their true self back in control, and that Frisk was originally from the Hard Mode Timeline.

and the Frisk from the Hard Mode Timeline, without the player’s influence, was no angel.

Sans from Deltarune, might of took his brother and a few others, to escape when Frisk’s original self started to resurface.

without the Player and the red soul, to keep Frisk from messing with the timeline and doing a No-Mercy runs whenever they pleased...

no one was truly safe, and it could turn out this could happen on the surface, and Frisk found a way to keep from going back underground.

Sans going back in the underground even if everyone was free, could mean he was going to try to fix the machine, so he and his little brother could leave for Deltarune, and only some timeline versions of Sans was fully successful.

there can be different theories about Kris, and we wont know which is the true Kris, until maybe in one of the future chapters of Deltarune.

but one of the theories about the original Kris before the red soul is placed in them....is that original Kris holds a dark secret about them, which might be revealed in the future. so yeah, there is more to them than we think and they are not what they seem. not all fans have to agree on every theory being possibly true.

like the theory I have that is about how Kris didn’t eat the whole pie at first, and had left the house and broke into the library and open up the dark fountain in the computer room before heading home and eating all the pie.

#flowey undertale | mythicaldemigoddess-of-deltarune (2025)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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