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si S2 a SB Itn ire is tee I Ji ID PI i I a in 1 Fi ai it Gb 1 ye te i jr wc lei ket je 1 Mat 3 Ut It lite er niL as I IK at Cart i be I adg Oi we Sonne I It A 1 foS ie II frsn ai at it Mr rt TIt rial es oe Bell 9 is jKniiit arijfd ve reiftt the ft Siday rtfivorth gets pre ijr tiiuic TEE EOYAL ROMANCE IJneen Tictorla of England Preparing for the Prince Consort How the Little Royal Woman OTooed ami Won Her Husband Prlncea Death ami the Widows Heartbroken Ancnlah The Irish Times There is something of the enchantment of fairy lore about the story of the courtship and betrothal of Queen Victoria Iving Leopold of Belgium the favorite uncle of the young Queen who had always exercised a loving supervision of her early training brought about a visit of Prince Albert of SaxeCobun Gotha and his brother to England in order that Victoria who was then but 20 years old might be brought in contact with them It was not ninted that she was expectedj to look upon one of the princes as a possible husband Her gooi uncle intended that in case affection developed lovo should take its course His plans resulted most happily and a sympathy of dispositions ana tastes soon led to a stronger bond between Victoria and the gentle cultured Albert Their ficst meetiutr was at a ball The youthful Queen and the Prince were both there and the Queen gave the Prince a bouquet What to do with the gift was a puzzle to the possessor but it was only lor a moment that he stood in doubt Taking out his knife he cut a slit in the tunic of the uniform he wore and right there over his heart placed secureiy the blossoms the royal lady had given him He had just a few days before come from his own home over the sea and the Queen asked him how he liked England Oh very much xtdaythe question was asked again and once or twice oftener it was put until at length the Queen with a sweet tremor in her voice and the mantling blush of the rose in her face ventured to say Would you not like to stay in England It was in this fashion that the ordinary conditions of the momentous event were reversed and the man said Yes to thewomons question The Queen wrote to King Leopold I told Albert this morning of it The warm affection he showed me on learning this gave me great pleasure He seems perfection and I think that I have the prospect of very great happiness before me I love him more than I can say and shall do everything in my power to render this sacrifice ffor such In my opinion it is as small as I can He seems to have great tact a very necessary thing in his position These few days have passed but I Hn feel very happy ALBERTS LEITER HOME Prince Albert iAq as follows to his grandmother the Dowager duch*ess of Gotha who had filled a mothers place to aimThe The Queen sent for me alone to her room a few days ago and declared to me in a genuine outburst of love and affection that I had gained her whole heart ana would make her supremely happy if I would make her the sacrifice of sharing her life with her for she said she looked on it as a sacrifice The only thing that troubled her was that she did not think she was worthy of me The joyous openness of the manner in which she told me this quite enchanted me and I was quite carried away by it She is really most good and amiable and I am quite sure that we shall be happy together Then the Queen called her council and announced her arriage In her diary she wrote The room was full but I hardiy knew who was there Lord Melbourne I saw looking kindly at me with tears In his eyes but he was not near me I then read my short declaration I feltthat my hands shook but 1 did not make one mistake I felt most happy and thankful when it was over One of the ladies excusably curious on the matter asked the Queen aiterwards if it did not make her nervous to have to make such an announcment to the Council We are told that her reply was Oh no that I considered simply as a matter of business but I did feel some embarrassment in making known to the Prince my feelingt in his regards Next came the era of love letters while the Prince was making his preparation in Ciburg to become an Englishman If could but use the words of every true lover in high or low estate All I have to say is that while I possess your love they cannot make me unhappy And so the weeks passed and when February came the Prince landed at Dover to be wedded now to England as well as to Englands Queen and was received joyously by the people When he drove up to Buckingham palace it was to find his bride standing at the outer door eager to welcome him He was naturalized on the following day and crested a field marshal of England THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY There was great brilliancy and displ ay at the marriage ceremony but it was not without its simple touches The Queen herself acted with excellent taste She was wiser than some of her courtiers The Archbishop of Canterbury came to her with some perturbation and the suggestion that as she was Queen the passage in the ritual bringing in the vow of obedience should be altered ner case I do not mean to be the less a wife though I am a Queen said the bride firmly and sensibly andg on no account would she allow gany Btampering with the responses at the altar Nor would she have the customary hour of srvice altered Former royal marriages had taken place st night The Queen Insisted that hers should be by daylight and not later than noon and she stipulated also that there should be nothing fanciful about the spmbol for her finger it must she said bean ordinary weddingring As at the coronation and her other public appearances she had 3gain arranged that her dress should be of home manufacture aud from a native loom therefore came the white satin of her marriage robe and from deft English fingers the lace with which it was trimmed and the veil that hung from her head She was attended by twelve bridesmaids After the ceremony the Queen walked down the aisle hand in hand with her husband her eyes much swollen with tears but great happiness in her countenance and her look of confidence and comfort when they walned away as man and wife was very pleasing to see DEATH OF THE PRINCE Twenty years or so afterward came the endjof the life of happiness which wasj tie lot of the Queen and her consort The death of the Prince and the tender parring with the Queen is thus briefly told toldAs As the days passed the Ptinces physi clans and his family began to realize the danger he was in He himself faced death without fear His words were I am not afraid I trust I am prepared and the hymns he loved particularly the Kockof Ages were sung to him from fme to time at his own request He was nursed with unwearied devotion by both the Queen and the Princess Alice and to both for he never wholly lost conscious ness he spoke many encouraging words On the morning of his death Saturday the 14th oflDecember hespoke in German of his dear and good little wife the Queen sitting by him and he laid his head upon her shoulder Looking up to her tenderly he whispered Gutes Fraucben and the respons3 came in the wcrls of the loved ones Fatherland Noticing afterwards that the Prince was wandering in his speech her Majesty whispered Est ist kleins Frauchen It is your little wife and the love ol the husband was strong in death lie turned his head and kissed her cheek With this scene of endearment the end came As peacefully aud beautifully as he had lived the Pnuce passed away and the aaony I have no Victoria now Queen who but a few lost her mother could one months before had but say in her left to call me HIS LOTE OF L0S6 AGO A Somewhat Knde Awnftenlng to a Dream of Fond lloniancc Chicago Herald Years ago in his native village a wealthy German living in this city had a tached But a tide of emigration landed him when a young man in America A false friend brought him news that his Lena was engaged to another In pique he married the handsome daughter of his employer In due time he entered the firm and later on had the business to nimself making a fortune For ten happy years evervthmg prospered His wife was a beauty nd half a dozen handsome children blessed their union The only cloud that dimmed the fathers horizon was the knowledge that Lena had never been faise that the report of her engagement was untrue and in her fathers house unmarried and disconsolate the sweetheart of his youth lived alone However a year or more ago by a sudden and fatal illness the wife was laid low and our friend found himself a widower with six children Rich respectable a model citizen and personally a finelooking man he was the object of many solicitous attentions A dozen loveiy women cf his acquaintance looked at their autographs and thought how well his name would come in at the nd like a dream to me and lam so bewildered I them ni as Jon by it all that I know hardly how to write fb lSn ink such things tbe nage of Lena his sweetfiaxen haired Marguerite came in and after a years decorous mourning he wrote to Germany and proposed that if she could forgive his readiness to be deceived in the past and would bridge the twelve years of seeming indifference with her enduring love they should renew the love of their youth Back came the response Lena the faithful eua the constant would take to the sea per next boat The widower withdrew to his library day after day and thought up the past fanned each little recollection till it sprang into a flameaud when finally the Fulda was in the bay he started for the wharf In the first communication with Lena after his goodlooking wiles decease he had dwelt much on the need his little children had of a mothers tender care In succeeding epistles he let the children down one by one till their names were never heard His first intention was to be waiting on the wharf with Rachel Leah and Sarah on one side and Abe Sol and Isaac on the other but when the day came he had arrived at another conclusion He discarded a mourning suit and In a jaunty of Saratoga blue and alight hat the widower paced with beating heart the confines of the wharf till the gang plank was run out After all he said to himself theres nothing stirs the pulses like first love the same sweet passion of youth puts the ineffaceable brand on the human heart He was about to clasp the early Marguerite with the dovelike eyes and the flaxen braids to his welldeveloped bosom Our widower as we have said was handsome No thread of gray had touched his raven curls His eyes were undimmed his complexion good and best of all he had kept his waist Buoyant with excitement he plowed into the ship To the stewardess he said Ycu have a Miss Lena Strauss on board Oh yes Fraulem Strauss has been ill but she is dressed and up Step this way wayHow How he stepped There were several ladies on the sofas of the saloon To one of these the stewardess led him Your friend has come Miss Strauss said she A pudgy doughyfaced heavylooking woman whose figure resembled an 8 more than any other rose with a little squeal of joy and cait herself upon his bosom Lena had been a fairy She was as broad as she was long Lenas hair had been bright and so luxuriant that her Marguerite braids were as thick as his wrist Lenas stock of hairs hardly covered her protuberant temples and was a dirty ash color Lena in 75 had been a fragile poem in petticoats Lena in b7 was a churn with a bonnet on Who shall depict the cyclone of disappointment that swept over the widowers soul But the poor man was as brave and chivalric a spirit as ever went out to do battle in Palestine He took her home and according to agreement he married her Will Petticoats lie Abandoned Bo6ton Courier A New York lady is endeavoring to get her sex to abandon petticoats and take to pantaloons Her efforts will be futile Most women know that there is a seductiveness about the frills flounces and furbelows associated with the present style of dress that wouul be wholly lacking in pants Moreover the majority of married women are content to wear a pair of metaphorical pantaloons in conjunction with their own apparel and seek not to wear the bifurcated which are the distinguishing garments badge of masculinity and from this class the re former will receive no countenance in her efforts For ourselves we hope that the pantaloons Vill never become popular Wnat lover would want to see his girl In baggykneed pants The idea is horrible Creations masterpiece in cas simere trousers Forbad it ye powers What artist ever dared Of paint or ever thought of painting ag Sgel in pants jl Se dolierfnfecesj i to pay for a yeai th GakStte JStfbscriptitJgMo Weekly 8ou take lie Daij gud thej eeM your friends In le sj ipand hijp advertise Texasr THE GAZETTE EOET WOETH TEXAS THURSDAY JULY 7 Fears KE6R0 BOT MISSIKG of Foul Play Excitement Among Baa Antonio Colored People Special to the Gazette Sax Antonio Tex July A colored woman named Itella Lovett appeared before Justice McAlister today and made a complaint against Wylie Rivers a colored man formerly working on Government Hill Rella Lovett stated tha on Sunday Rivers came to the house of her sister Carrie Webb near the Sunset depot aad attacked Carrie with a rake hit ting her in the breast one of the teeth wounding her there She threatened to have him arrested and he in reply said if she did one of her family should be missing On the 4 th of July her fifteen vearold son James Rose Fests garden where Wiiey went James Rose been home and has been heard of by set out for Rivers also has not not since any one Carrie Webb is of the opinion that foul play has been used Rivers was seen at Fests garden that night and in that part of the day was noticed conversing with the boy on South Flores street The matter has been placed in the hands of the police who are now investigating the matter which caused some excitement among the negroes JAIL DELIVERY Two Prisoners Escape nt Plcosanton News of the double tragedy soon spreads and crowds flocked to the scene Eight children survive three MsMT nsffW iF JJETmW iris apd five boys Three of these are under six years of age Miss Jane Wilson of No 147 West Thirtyseyenth street New York has been telegraphed for Accldont on the Aransas Pats Special to the Gazette San 2Antonio Tex July The Boernc train on the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Road was delayed several hours this morning by an accident which came very near proving disastrous for a large number of passengers The caboose and one car ran off the track at the Balcones trestledragging anotherwith it into a deep ditch Fortunately the passengers escaped Conductor Collins was badly bruised in the face but noUdan gerously wounded A Chinaman Marries an American New Haven Conn July Yan Phon Lee of Fragrant Hills China who graduated with such high honors at Yale last commencement was today married to Miss Elizabeth Maud Jerome a New Haven lady The ceremony was quietly performed at the residence of the brides father Yan Phon Lee first came to America in 1S7S and resided for five years at Spring Held Mass after which he came to New Haven and spent four years in Hopkins grammar school He entered the Yale in class of S4 At the end of his freshman fjear he was ordered back to China by the government which sent him and other sons of prominent Chinese residents to America for education Before returning to his native land Miss Jerome had fallen in love with him and the couple were In Atascosa County Special to the Gazette San Antonio July Two prisoners sweetheart to whom he was devotedly made a bold and successful attempt at jailbreaking in Pleasanton in Atascosa county last Monday evening About dusk of that day Sheriff Duck visited the jail to see to the wants of the prisoners As ths sheriff entered the door two of the prisoners struck him simultaneously and ran past him out the door Just as he was rising a third prisoner attempted to brush by him but after a desperate struggle was overcome by the sheriff and forced back into a cell There were four other prisoners in the jail but they made no attempt to escape The two men who escaped were a negro and a Mexican charged respectively with horsetheft and murder THE CniMPASZEEd Eow They Are Getting Along and How They Conduct Themselves New York July 1 A larger crowd than usual was present today when Mr Crowley sat down to his 5 oclock dinner in the Central Park menagerie a spoon in one hand and a pkin in the other and proceeded to ply these implements of the table with effect if not with grace When he had eaten he was carriedoff to bed in the arms of his valet The marriage between Mr Crowley and the newly arrived Miss Kitty is a marriage de convenance arranged lrom diplomatic considerations only by the powers that be of Central Park Mr Crowley does not know the bliss in store for him he has not yet looked upon the face of his betrothed This fact accounts for the aosence of that embarrassment to be expected of a prospective bridegroom It will be several weeks perhaps before Miss Kitty moves to her future apartments Rdjoming those of her spouse Mr Crowleys man servant intends that this interesting young couple shall make each others acquaintance gradually Miss Kitty who is in excellent health spends the warm afternoon in composing herself into easy postures in her rather uneasy hammock Sne is somewhat coy when Mr Crowleys attendant attempts to caress her but it is understood that all lady chimpanzees ore expected to act so and Miss Kitty will doubtless perform with suitable maidenly re nation her part of the ceremony that is to make her Mrs Crowley WIFE 31URDER AXD SUICIDE A Drnnken Frenzied Husband Shoots Hlfi Life Partner Through the Heart and Ulows His Own HralUB Oat Morristown July 1 A horrible murder occurred in the pleasant village of Chatham at 715 oclock this morning John Wilson who has of late been out of work owing to his dis olute habits went to his home last night in an intoxicated condition and gave his wife a beating He was finally quieted and prevailed upon to go to bed On arising this morning he was in a quarrelsome mood and became infuriated with his little daughter Seizing an old doublebarreled shotgun he fired st the girl but fortunatelp missed his aim and she made her escape from the house Wilsons wife remonstrated with hira whereupon he flred at her shooting her through the heart Mrs Wilson started to run oufcf through the rear door but fell In Jrer tracks and immediately expired Being now thoroughly frenzied Wilson reloaded the gun and placing it to the left side of his head blew out hi3 brains engaged The Chinaman became tired of jhis home and surroundings and at the first opportunity he ran away and finally reached New Haven and his sweetheart He again entered the Yale class of 1SS7 and greatlydistinguished himself through out his course This wedding Is the first on record in New Haven where a Yankee girl has married a Chinaman and the event excites considerable comment After a wedding trio at Narraganset Pier Mr and Mrs Yan Phon Lee will reside in New Haven The groom intends entering the journalistic Held tValtlnc for a Statement New York July The assigns of John Slade Co dry goods commission merchants who suspended yesterday has not yet ascertained the amount of assets and liabilities The liabilities are believed to be about 8775000 and the assets Sl200000 The stock is valued at 5500000 but large advances hive been made on it The outstanding credits are very large and it Is not expected that there will be much shrinkage Besides there is real estate owned by the members of the firm valued at about 3152000 It is thought that the firm can pay from 75 to 100 cents on the dollar Fears have been expressed that some of the mills to which the firm has made advances will experience difficulty now that their backing is withdrawn A Blexlcan Shot Special to the Gazotte San Antonio Tex July On 3Ion dny night a Mexicnn was shot at the Norton farm house three miles southeast of the city on Graytown side Mr John Burnett who is well and favorably known in the city resided at the house in ques tion with his family and od the night mentioned a company of neighbors had assembled to enioy a social hop A trio of Mexicans were employed as musicians and in the course of the evening one of these is alleged to have written an indecent note to one of Burnetts pretty little daughters which so enraged the father that he grabbed his shotgun and ran the Mexicans off his premises He fired twice at them as they were retreating and it is thought one of the Mexlcaus was mortal ly wounded Trouble Between Cattlemen and Hangers Special to the Gazette San Antonio Tex July 0 Serious trouble is threatened between the State Rangers and cattlemen in Llano and other western counties Captain Jones with Company A has gone out there to roundup a bunch of cattle Squatters on Green lake and adjacent county give it out flatfooted that they will resist to the death all attempts at interference from the Rangers Captain Jones is a brave and determined man and has a desperate set to deal with Hostilities are momentarily expected and if once inaugurated will lead to great bloodshed Taking ths Veil Wilkesrarrk Pa July The famous McGlnkrodt German convent located here was the scene of most impressive ceremonies this morning consisting of the taking of the black veil by twenty lady candidates from various parts of the United States and Germany and the taking of the white veil vows by twentyfour young novitiates from prominent cities in the United States and Europe Many distinguished Roman Catholic clergymen were present from all parts of the country Indicted for Manslaughter New York July 0 Attendants Mc Hugh and Cleary who were lately placed in custody by the verdict of the coroners jury who accused them of beating an inmate of Wards Island Insane Asylum named George Farris so brutally that the man died have been indicted for manslaughter by the grand jury The prisoners were arraigned in the General Sessions court today and pleaded not guilty Artesian Water at Denton Special to the Gazette Denton Tex July it At the artesian well at the depot water was struck yesterday evening at a depth of 5C0 feet which in a few minutes rose above the surface and isj now flowing freely a strong stream of pure water It is worth millions to Denton Heavy Penalty Special to the Gazette McKinney Tex July A Mc Whorter defended himself today on a charge of horse theft and got a verdict of not guilty As he alreadyjhas 140 years charged up to tne wrong side of the books the vertict wiJl not afford much cause for congratulation as by that time some of his youthful vigpf Will be gone fpartlj a jr Decline ofjp litn enffli or organic jsyeakness nervous debility and kindrejr delicate diseases It is charged that the appointment of General Boulanger to an army command was made for the purpose of getting him away from Paris during the national fetes and review In July when no doubt the government will find his absence very precious Drop in ancLsee the bargains in low shoes at Logsik Evans Smith successors to wmBros Mail orders filled promptly i Great eauctlar In tjefp cetof th Te ly Gazette Th bapkper IntfTasJt onlyjp a yeT Lgfeveryboay subjcrib elegant INew York in It He never got enough to eat and always rose from the table hungry The cooking was very bad Dick the head co*ck was drunk twothirds of the time and left the crazy people to serve up the food How do you know they were crazy asked Mr Wellman Because if they were not they would net stay there promptly responded the witness The attendants who had their meals after the patients were always In such a hurry that the patents had not time enough for their meals The attendants wanted to get through so they could smoke In speaking of acts of violence the witness swofe that he saw an attendant named Cleary choke an inoffensive patient so badly that he had to be revived The patient was afterwards sent to ward 14 by order of Dr Trautman and he died there two weeks I saw a patient named Mendelsohn killed declared the witness I saw McHugh strike him I also saw Cleary knock him down His forehead was cut and the blood clotted his hair When the doctor ordered his head to be washed the attendants McHugh and Cleary took Mendelsohn by the head and feet and placing his head in the sink grabbed both feet and ordering me to turn on the water they worked him up and down the sink like a saw Did you report this the witness was asked No sir I knew better I did not want to be kept in there for probably twentyfive years as a permanent lunatic The witnessed continued that he saw the attendant Cleary take a patient named Blake by the throat and choke him simply because he looked out of the window He also saw Cleary take an old patient named Prenaugh seventyeight years oldwithout teeth or hair and compel him to waltz around while the attendants whistled and if he refused he would strike him on the face Another patient named Rudder Ward from Amityville was pulled around the ward by Cleary who took hold of him by the whiskers The result of this treatment was that the patient went into fits This they called having fun with the old man I saw McHugh jump on Farrish and I Eaw the attendant Kerns jump on and kick Lidell and because Lideil strucK him Kerns and Cleary beat him unmercifully Tne witness continuinc said that he saw Clifford and Cleary beat a patient named Fish with a mop handle and break to pieces on him because Fish would however i duced spseUly and jpermaJnpt go to bed JsientlycurjjjtFor illustrat boollplways carrie rge and address Associajj i i i ak Houlanger an an Organizer Ne York Graphic For fourteen years said the diplomatist Boulanger had as a subordinate officer chafed and fretted that he could not carry out plans of reorganization of the French army that had been his constant study since the iron entered his soul at the battle of Sedan in witnessing the overthrow of the French forces This overthrow he felt was due to the shortcomings of the French soldier and the want of thorough organization of the French array As minister of war he could give those plans a trial and the speed with which they were put In operation showed how long and carefully he had studied out the details of his scheme He is a wonderful organizer and I am sure his only ambition iies in the desire to redeem the military reputation of the French people by restoring the prestige of their soldiers The Wards Island Lunatic Asylum Investigation Urines Forward a Texan The authorities of New York are making an investigation into the management of the Wards Island lunatic asylum and among the many witnesses examined is a lormer citizen of Sherman whose testimony is thus described George Anderson a gentleman with long hair and Buffalo Bill cast of countenance said he had been a patient onWards Island His residence there covered a term of seven months He originally came from Sherman Texas with horses fofthe Polo club He described the sort of food received at different meals They got pickles sometimes that looked like verdigris The stewed apples would be very nice If it was not for the amount of hair The attendant Clifford a heavy stick with him on the slightest provo itness was put in charge of tients and when they overpowered him and he called for help Clifford ran in and used his stick right and left QSe attendant Kerns was really Mno hearted man but he was js gjaly exasperated Gunstadt when sdxfer spent his time reading the papers when drunk he would go to sleep The attendant Cleary was a regular devil There wa3 about four or five attendants for sev entyfive patients The rooms and bedding were both firstclass The witness knew of a man named Drake who was confined in the asylum who in the summer was crazy on the subject of baseball but who in the winter was as sane as any man The reason he did not testify at the coroners inquest in the case of Mendel sohn was because he was confined in the asylum at the time The attendants were a low class of men he had seen an at tendant named Mallon eat up cakes snd sweet meats sent to the patients by friends outside and that he Mallon went to the friends of patients and de manded money for favors to be done and that he kept the money The witness also testified that Mallon stole tobacco from the patients The witness was of the opinion that the department could obtain better attendants if they would pay better salaries The Vastest Passenger Steamer The Queen Victoria the new Liverpool and Isle of Man steamer left the Tail of the Bank opposite Greenock for Liverpool last Saturday and made the passage in the very short period of 9 hours anttt 23 minutes actual steaming time This shows a speed of Inearly 22 knots or 25C2 miles per hour and she thus proves FIREARMS mSgSSMM SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AKTSESR TEXAS REPRESENTED ow WhoIc a Dealer corner Second and Houston Fori Worth Tex rv Xu GOT1 Houston Stroot JE oxt Worth TCfver Postoffice jrf Flno Aluminum Plates a 0 Annual SuuscrlLerstott Weekly Gazett se Nitrons Osldc gas loi pain less extraction o2 teeth All work Sclcathlcall done Telepnoi CONTRACJQBSlruf BUILDER Will iuujjtdi estimate of cost on all km balidluseneivlnsr counters etc Fort TVortli TozzcLf CAMERON TMFtfS exffi Ms Tila 13 the srfT DEAXBijaIN Luiiiber atfI All Kinds of Build ing Material FORT WORTH TEXAS ror Increasein Interest JUu Its Columns Thc prkreT aS been reduced snic1 a sun Tne Improved an rked 3 per Cent on cai ow afford to send every friend ualntancc a copy for a year The price la only ONE DOLLAR A YEAR to any address In the United Mates or Canada For JKcSend for Sample Copy Further Particulars address ITovt Wovtli Toxns herself to be the fastestpassengerjsteamefc in the world being only excelled in speed by the latest torpedo boats Leaving Greenock at noon on Saturday the Queen Victoria passed the Clock lighthouse at 1203 arriving at Androssan at 103 to receive company and land the pilot She left taat port at 145 passed the Mull of Galloway at 5 Point of Ayr Isle of Man a 5 in and arrived at Liverpool north wall at 10 ra thus making the passage In actual steaming lime as already stated in nine hours and twentythree minutes The passage would have been made in much shorter time had the weather oeen what is usually expected at this season of the year Immediately after leaving Ardrossan the steamer ran out into the teeth of what may be fairly called a gale of wind which lasted until the Point of Ayr was reached and during the passage two or three squalls of wind accompanied by rain were met with but the steamer beheaved herself splendidly standing up against the wind in excellent stvle Prompt and to the Point Madlscn Wis Journal A fiveyearold boy in the city recently commenced attending Sunday school and became deeply interested in the teachings he received After one or two lessons had been given him he expressed a strong wish for a sling shot His fond mother was astonished at the request and asked the young hopeful why he wanted such a thing His reply was prompt and to the point At Sunday spnool said he they told a story of A little boy that killed a big giant witigfo sling shot and 1 Forl a year bejund in thsr WeeSi It S10O The shoes offeTed by Io an EvanjF Smith at SI are orth mora than double the money sr 4 Sr If KbrotH send ttmf Gazeti ilftthe prico bijgi isonly SI he Rfttnd cheaJIst nejsfspap in tlis tfhii JfalSiJ VW.
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