Advertisem*nt. Advertisem*nt Tuesdoy, March 4, 1975 Che Jjetwacola Journal 5A WARRINGTON READY RENT-The First Rent All In Pensacola TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU The West Pensacola Bank HEADQUARTERS FOR Cl Nv BOAT ff I motors READY RENT INC. i rnnL EQUIPMENT. 01 V. 434-3178 WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 1 T0OL a TIDECRAFT WEllCRAFT J.
I GATOR TRAILERS if 1' li Open 1 fv- i v. 2400 W. Strong St. "Every Facility For Serving" lobby Open 9AM-1 PM.3PM-5PM fridoy 9 AM-! PM. 3 PM- PM Pi Drive In Windows OpM Continuovily 9 AM-5 PM Friday 9AM-6PM Dial 433-7664 Member FDIC NEW AR-PHOO MOTOR nM II auto parts co.
I vWl I LUvMllUN) lw 9CKVC IwU WWWhW HOME! WAS 999500 NOW 799500 or 129.80 a month I -i -n SPECIAL No longer, than a station wagon, factory air A heat. Complete bath, kitchen, stereo, all power, bedrooms, hot A cold water. A real Main Location at 309 Old Corry Rd. Branch Location at 8101 N. Davis ACE RENTS.
PALAFOX STORE 3500 N. Polafox -433-3196 PAINT DEPT. 1810 W. Cervantes-434-2603 Warrington Ready Rent, MM CIRCLE STORE -455-7346 939 New Warrington Rd. CAR CITY STORE 105 W.
lndustrial-476-6208 'Pa CERVANTES STORE 1800 W. Cervantes-432-3426 FERRY PASS STORE 8103 N. Oavis-477-9740 At the main location of 313 Old Corry Road are 3 buildings featuring many types of equipment. Take for instance there medical equipment. For invalids or convalescents there is no place like home.
The environment at ones home can often give that extra boost that is so often needed during a long recovery. For those bed ridden patients the Warrington Ready Rent offers all types of equipment for the home patient. At the same location is the contractors equipment which includes scaffolding, concrete mixers, air hammers, compressors, sandblasters, generators, power tools and more. It is easy to see that somewhere in its huge amount of stock Warrington Ready Rent has something for you. For those of you on the other side of the county Warrington ready Rent offers an easy access branch location at 8101 N.
Davis. Under the name Ace Rents, this location is easy to reach and offers much the same merchandise. There is no possible way to mention all of the stock that Warrington Ready Rent offers in such a small article. If there is any item that you may need a rush phone call to 455-4511 or 476-8803 will give you the answer you are looking for. Call today and save.
PALAFOX STORE NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 477-6666 CAMPER CITY U.S. 29 North 2 miles past 1-1 0 en right open till dork every night. Sundays after 1:00. Pensacolas oldest Rent. All Store is ready to supply Pensacolian's with just about anything they may need.
With Spring just around the corner many people are planning to landscape their yards. With such items available as floor sanders, chain saws, garden tillers, ladders, saws and even the ideal one stop place to stop is Warrington Ready Rent. THE POLY-OLEUM PROCESS PREVENTS RUST! PIANO ORGAN HEADQUARTERS SAIES AND RENTALS RENTAl-PURCHASE-PlAN OR STRAIGHT RENTAL MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS MUSIC AND ACCESSORIES MSKX OCX WNfli 1VM i MSIM MSIM MNCIIi DOOt ostS MSIM oeiiners tNStOf 1 INMOf (own UNDEttOOt OU3E MSIM DOG UCS MSIM IINMI Willi "Join the Wonderful World of Making Music" 3733 Novy Blvd Fort Walton Beach 243-3012 TRUCKS TOO) STOP WORRY-SAVE CALL AUTO RUSTPROOFING OF PENSACOLA, INC. BARRANCAS AT PACE 432-1688 LIE CHARI CARTER'S Chevron Enjoy Our Daily Luncheon Specials In the Luxurious Oil Service Station J. D.
AND BRAKE ALIGNMENT SERVICE 21 1 1 W. GARDEN at PACE BLVD. 432-8494 ALHAMBRA ROOM DOWNTOWN: ALCANIZ GARDEN Sheraton Motor Inn trol systems Strictly speaking, the heat pump pumps heat. In the winter, it takes heat from the outside air and pumps it Many people have trouble understanding the heat pump. That's because it is quite different from most climate con For Reservations Dial 434-3201 in this booklet, please phone us and we'll be delighted to provide further facts, figures and related information.
Call today at 432-4148 or come by and see us. We will be glad to help at the J. D. Johnson Company. NEW ELECTRONIC MOTOR TUNE-UP CARBURETORS BRAKES FRONT END Highest Quality Prafessienal Ethics, Technicians, Materials ne' Strvke ATLAS THIS, IATTHIES, ACCESSOIIIS Official Florida Inspection Station UUUr1 24 Hour Food Service into your home.
In the summer, it takes the heat from inside and pumps it outside as does conventional air conditioning. Now if this seems strange to you, it shouldn't. Because you already have a heat pump in your home right now your 5 SEAj IT'S TIME TO GET GROWING Choose from four WITH LEAKS I WE STOP powerful models. Rugged, durable construction. Choice of rotors cmd tractor tools.
With chain-drive, 4 hp does the work (35 0 Old Roofs Repaired New Roofs Applied FREE ROOF INSPECTION The original. 1947. Get a Merry Tiller demonstration today at OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT COMPANY II 478-11531 235 BRENT LANE J- asp6 refrigerator. It takes the heat from inside and pumps it out into your kitchen. Here's how it works: It has two coils (one inside and one outside), a compressor, some tubing which connects everything and a liquid refrigerant which is pumped back and forth through the tubing.
When this liquid flows through the coil inside, it absorbs heat. Then, when it reaches the outside coil, it is compressed and air flows across the coil and removes the heat, discharging it into the room. The only real difference between your refrigerator and the Conservation Machine is that the Conservation Machine can reverse the process and pump heat inside. If your refrigerator could do that it would turn into an oven! In pretty simple terms, this is the principle of the heat pump, moving heat from one place to the other. It's a simple idea but it takes an efficient, well-designed machine to make it work.
Ownership of a Conservation Machine means a lot more than just reliable, economical heating and cooling. It also means you can eliminate one of your utility bills if your other appliances are electric. Your home will be clean year-round because there are no fumes, smoke or exhaust to dirty walls, furniture and drapes. And there's no pilot light to worry about, so you have quiet, safe, flameless security. The Conservation Machine has it all: economy, efficiency reliability plus all the conveniences that are yours when you use the energy of the future, electricity.
We hope this article has answered your questions about the Conservation Machine, one of the most important conveniences ever developed for the homeowner. If we can help you in any way or if you have a question on a point not covered Now you can have total year-round climate comfort at an unbelievably low total cost Buy Coleman Central Air Conditioning right now, before our busy season, and a Coleman upflow furnace gas or electric will be yours free! Together, the air conditioning and furnace make a perfectly matched system (or years of quiet and efficient performance. You'll get both just for the price of the air conditioning plus installation. This unique offer to existing homeowners during Coleman's 75th Anniversary is for a limited time only, so better act now! NO-LOSE OPTION: $100 CASH If you already own a Coleman furnace, uou can choose, instead to receive cash bonus sent direct to you Irom The Coleman Company. I (l PARTY SUPPLIES ROTO TILLERS 1 WESTERN 11 ROLLAWAY BEDS LAWN MOWERS I yrSr comnm wijthh STORE II COLOR TVs LAWN THATCHERS I -T comU Wui ToWCT.
11 TABLES-CHAIRS CHAIN I SAWS I mtQJP ianch siding fouir-MfNT WHEELCHAIRS SOD CUTTERS HATj.sMim.jUMi.iooTS II hosp npne DITCH DIGGERS I rtfT 435-6261 II WALKERS PUMPS DOLLYS 1 CMy A Charlene Corter 1 1 DOZERS FORK LIFTS I Exclusive Dealer 1 MalIII-i 1 Levi, Soddleman Boot Jeans fJTii 3 cCJxM" ffiM 1 1n 1 ITWR "Quality Products at Low, Low Prices" -security 1 Quality TOVA iw6 shutters I 'HniFP Pools XLiy BURGLAR 4 I Ol 1 3 Budaet MCgga fire alarms SLLtsSP ouagei w1U -intercoms Prices Ate-4' private V-i A tsu pom fa interior decorating 'r. AAft CUSTOM HOUSE tW interiors yrjnc. I 932-999T Call 434-0925 P.Q.Bo 5803, Pensacela, Fla. iiiiili! rux fASi utrtNDABLE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SEE US FROM 7:00 AM 5 PM MON. THRU FRI.
Ask for a free estimate and get a free Coleman jug We'll bring you a bright Coleman picnic jug the popular 2-gallon size when we come to your home for an air conditioning cost estimate. mm Cell Your Participating Dealer Or Distributor Today! EASY TERMS-NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY Sinn- 3727 N. Polafox St. 432-4148.