a a a a a a a a a a THURSDAY, JULY-14, 1960 THE OTTAWA JOURNAL 11 Y.S. ISLANDERS UNHAPPY Want to Join Canada SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (AP) us better communications or give us to Canada." This might well be the rallying cry of group of residents Sugar Island. Sugar Island, in the ap: proaches to the Soo locks and, within shouting distance of the city, home limits to.a of Sault determined Ste.
Marie, band of 300 residents who feel "we've got get radical." Their approach includes proposal -that their island be sold to Canada, if necessary, in order to improve their chances of getting better highways, telephone service, a free ferry service, and a bridge connection across the St. Marys River that flows between Michigan and Ontario. Bitter Spokesman Sugar. Island's major voice is Gil. Nelson, resort man, who has lived.
major part of his life on Great Islands. Nelson says a Sugar Islander must measure the under side of a car before buying it to make sure it will clear the island's roads. Nelson has wanted an tional bridge across the St. Mary's River routed via Sugar Urges Arbitrator In Expropriations TORONTO -(CP) A of the select committee on land expropriation Wednesday recommended establishment of a court to act as arbitrator in settling disputes involving the expropriation of property. Nollis Beckett, Progressive Conservative member for Toronto York East, suggested the appointment of a county court Judge to settle compensation claims.
Impartial The judge, appointed by the federal goverpment, would be; impartial in his decision and independent of politics, Mr. Beckett said. Allan Grossman, Progressive Conservative -member for Toronto St. Andrew, said the 11- member committee might also consider the possibility of a special tribunal to handle the entire matter of expropriation, includIng compensation to be awarded. But Charles W.
Yates, general municipal counsel for the municipal affairs department, argued present expropriation legislation provides sufficient safeguards for the public. Can Go to Court He said a person always has access to the courts as a last resort. The committee is meeting at Queen's Park to discuss provincial legislation dealing with expropriation and a bill called the Land Compensation Act 1960, introduced during the last session of the legislature by AttorneyGeneral Roberts. J. D.
Millar, deputy minister of public works, said the bill as drafted would not provide a sound basis for use by his department. He said the bill's provision for six-month notice of expropriation would handicap the work of the department. 60-day notice under the Public Works Act was a sufficient length of notice. Too Long He also objected to section of -the bill giving the land owner one year in which to claim "inJuries affection" when his land White House Catholic Perturbs Orangemen TORONTO (CP.) Thomas! Corry, a Scotsman, told his Black Chapter and Orange Lodge brothers here Tuesday night that 'his people were perturbed that is every likelihood of a Catholic becoming (of the United States.) He was referring to Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy, favored to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
Mr. Corry drew applause when he told a combined meeting of the Grand Black Chapter and the Loyal Orange Lodge that "people of that persuasion put the church first, and their duties as public servants Mr. Corry, treasurer of the Imperial Grand Orange Council of the World, spoke at a dinner meeting here celebrating the 270th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. The meeting coincided with the HOLIDAY ALL THE WHITE EMPRESS TO EUROPE SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO GREENOCK AND LIVERPOOL Empress of France JULY Empress of Britain AUG. 2 Empress of England AUG.
9 Empress of France AUG. Empress. of Britain AUG. 23t Empress of England AUG. 30t Empress of France SEPT.
Season Fares not call at Greenock Start your holiday before you arrive! Your White Empress voyage is a delightful, gay, yet relaxing from the moment you board. Unexcelled cuisine. wide choice of recreation and entertainment. Free baggage allowance of 275. lbs.
for tach passenger. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE on C. L. BURPEE Canadian Pacific Steamships, 63 Sparks Street, Offewe Tel.a CE. 2-1511 Canadian Gacific All incumbent officers of the Edward grand registrar Black Chapter were re-elected Mrs.
Etta Hunter, Dundas They are: Grand Master A. grand treasurer Mrs. Edna LindHolden, Peterborough, Deputy say, Ottawai: Grand Master George Miller, Winnipeg, Grand Registrar H. P. PROGRESS REVIEW Leslie.
Ottawa and Grand Treas- MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet H. Spooner, Toronto. Communist party's central comOfficers of the Crystal Chapter mittee went in session in the of British America' named are: today to review (the' Senior preceptress Jessie, progress of transport Burr, Toronto; junior precept- and production development orress Mrs. Rena- McCaul. Prince dered by the last party congress.
conclusion of the Black Chapter's two day convention and the be: ginning. of a similar Orangeman's convention. H. A. 'Cushnie: of Lurgan County, Armagh, Northern Ireland.
warned the meeting not -to let bygones be bygones in the fight against the "Papal yoke of bondage." Mayor Nathan and Premier Leslie Frost attended the meeting. Island, state: highways on the island then would follow. However, this appears to be losing cause. An international bridge route across 'the Sault locks now has. been agreed 10 and it won't touch Sugar Island.
Nelson casts an eye in the direction of Canada's neighboring St. Joseph's Island, downriver -from. Sugar. He says the Canadian possession thrives because. of free ferry service to the mainland.
"We'll resort to anything," he said, and anything, -in this instance, involves secession from Michigan and the United States and joining Canada. Mr. Millar, said the six-months provision under the Public Works Act was sufficient. The bill also provides payment, of 50 per cent of the settlement before the department can secure possession, many cases when early possession is required there has not been sufficient time or opportunity properly determine the amount of compensation. A.
M. Snider of Waterloo, chair-, man of the Ontario Water. Resources Commission, said: the OWRC has always paid. a fair price for the land it expropriates for water and sewage projects: Record Number At Ottawa Summer School More than students, an all-time record, are registered in one or more courses at the University of Ottawa's 27th successive Summer school, it was announced today. Enrolment last Summer was 1,653.
Rev. Gerard Gagnon, OMI, secretary-general, said the final 1960 tally should show approximately 1,720 at the school, which opened July 2 and closes with examinations August 6. In addition, special physical education courses. have been during August. for about 40 students.
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Results are tabulated below. room, comfort and handling. Simca is a 4-door, 5-passenger sedan. It has.a 50 horsepower engine. WHAT DO THE FIGURES PROVE? It's heavier, huskier, and has more than most pep Certainly they prove the Simca Marathon 1 the of its People tell us it rides better, biggest, most meaningful mileage test ever run on an too.
Test drive Simca yourself and see! SIMCA MILEAGE MARATHON 2,826.44, total miles. 45.7 average miles per Imperial gallon from point to point. (39.9 average miles per Imperial gallon in city travel.) FREE pamphlet gives you all the details. Get your copy now from one of the Simca dealers listed below. Then prove for yourself the economy you can expect realistically from Simea! SIMCAMPOTEd imported CHRYSLER JULES BAILLOT FILS CAPITAL DODGELIMITEE (near Interprovincial, Bridge) 1554 Carling Avenue (at the Hull, Quebec PR7-5261 Ottawa, Ontario PA9-3111 expropriated.
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